Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prime Rib

For a while now, I was contemplating the idea of cooking a huge piece of Prime Rib.

What's the hell is Prime Rib, you may ask? Prime Rib is the Cadillac of red meats. Some might argue that a good filet Mignon is in there too, but prime rib is the main cut that rib steaks come from - and if you slow cook it like a roast and slice it nice and thin...There's nothing quite like it. So, when my Dad came back into town for my birthday, I decided it was time to bite the bullet. 60$ later I was walking out of Le Maitre Boucher on Monkland with a huge smile on my face, and 2.2 Kg of beef in my basket.


a BIG piece of prime rib
Lots of garlic
Olive Oil
Fresh rosemary
Fresh Basil
Salt & Pepper

In a food processor - mulch up the garlic, oil, spices to make a paste and spread it all over the the prime rib. Let the meat stand at room temperature for a good while before putting it on the grill. I seared the roast over direct heat before I moved it over to indirect heat. Then I cooked it for about 2 hours @ 375 F and use a meat thermometer to check when it's done. take it off about 10 degrees early - it'll keep cooking while it rests. Let the roast rest at least 20-30 minutes before you carve, so that the juices inside stop moving about.

Tip of the Week:

This week's tip come's from my brother-in-law Fred, who taught me how to properly grease a grill. Use some tongs and a piece of folded up paper towel. Dip in the paper towel in oil and then brush the grates with it! Brilliant! No more flaring, no more melting stupid little brushes.


Delicious wine! Amarone

Served with cauliflower puree and a nice asparagus Salad...

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